Affirmations for Writers

Use the power of words to connect with readers

Lee Ann Prescott
2 min readApr 9, 2021

Tactics Don’t Always Solve Writers Block

It’s easy to think you can solve writer’s block with some new writing strategy: doing it at the right time of day, using the right writing app, finding the perfect background noise, finding the perfect lesson or method. What I’ve found is that writing flows naturally when I am connected to my heart, and I take a moment to form a conscious connection to the hearts of my readers.

The next time you sit down to write something, take a deep breath into your heart. Feel your own love for what you are writing about. Then imagine your readers. They have hearts just like you. You can say,

I am connected to the hearts of my readers.

Let your hearts connect — and start writing.

Getting over Imposter Syndrome

Another common cause of writer’s block is not knowing how to convey what you want to write, or feeling like you’re an imposter for even writing it all. Or perhaps you think there’s been too much written on the topic.

What if you are the perfect person to write what you’ve been called to write because you’re the only person who can say it in the way that your particular readers need to hear it?

Use the affirmation:

I am the best person to express this information in the way my readers need to receive it.

Then, reinforce your heart connection and just get started. They’re waiting!

“I am the best person to express this information in the way my readers need to receive it.” over a background of vines
by the author



Lee Ann Prescott

Wisdom seeker with a joyful heart. Author of Inspiration Station newsletter.